Tag Archives: Lost production

Benefits of Conducting Background Checks

Our focus is on protecting your business, minimizing your risk, and enhancing your ROI …   Background Screening While there are very real benefits to background screening involving personal safety and company reputation, the truth is a business owner likes to know that the expense of background checks pays off in dollars and cents. Our experience has shown us that the return on investment for the screening process is huge. In fact, you can weigh the cost of screening a new employee against every single potential downside expense and realize a profit in the balance. Consider the potential cost of:
  • Discrimination lawsuits
  • Workplace violence
  • Employee theft
  • Company scandal
  • Training costs of bad hires
  • Lost production
  • Identity theft
  • Intellectual property theft
A single incident in either of these categories can be damaging to a business. While background screenings are a real expense,...